by Art Smith
No, I’m not talking about a television series, nor an idea for a Super-bowl commercial. I’m talking about Democrats. Part of me is happy to see that party tearing itself apart, and not for idealogical reasons, but just your basic greedy, power-starved...
by Art Smith
In Friday’s Wall Street Journal, Kimberly Strassel takes a careful look at the events around the Obama campaign and provides a keen analysis of his comments, actions, and the attempts by his campaign and supporters to shore up his mistakes. It’s apparent...
by Fersboo
Ah, it’s back to one of my favorite pastimes…blogging for the Conservative Reader. Since my last installment, several interesting things have happened: Politics For whatever reason, Senator Clinton refuses to concede the nomination. Either she and Bill...
by Art Smith
We’ve kept it pretty loose here at TCR with regard to the continued havoc being wrought by Hillary Clinton against her party. Every day, the lack of her stepping down extends further and further the demise of Democrats and Obama’s chance to manipulate his...
by Linda Morgan
About BitHead BitHead runs BitsBlog and is an occasional guest writer for The Conservative Reader. You can email BitHead at [email protected]. This special Swamp Stomper Article is cross-posted from BitsBlog. Ann Coulter says it well, here: Well, it looks like...
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