by Art Smith
It’s so easy to get away with things. Right in front of everyone. No one seriously does anything about it. We’ve seen it with Obama, Clinton, Clinton, and today, with Chris Dodd. I don’t know why I keep thinking that people like Dodd are...
by Art Smith
In an unexpected move today (to Bill that is), Hillary Clinton announced that she is ending her campaign for the Presidency. She is pledging her support of Barack Obama. I’m glad that’s over. For now. I have a feeling that regardless of who wins in...
by Art Smith
Who knows what’s going on right now, but Obama and Clinton are meeting together this evening. At Hillary’s home. Interviews with Obama today (just saw a recording on CNN), and he’s being very circumspect about what’s happening right now. And...
by Art Smith
Just a few reflections on the day… Politics: News reports put Hillary ending her campaign on Friday or Saturday. As usual, I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s sad that Hillary has had such a hard time concluding her campain: “We pledged to...
by Art Smith
Of course, on the last day of Presidential Primary Season, things are so close between Obama and Clinton that different new organizations have differing opinions about whether Obama has clinched the nomination or not. And on top of that, the AP reported this morning...
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