by Art Smith
So, Hillary this week graciously offered to debate Barack mano a mano. No moderator. Set their own rules. Ask each other questions and answer them. Millions of people across the country would be THRILLED to have a debate without moderators. But can we really...
by Art Smith
The following is a work of fiction and political satire. None of this is true. However, if you have a sensitive stomach, or are a Liberal, or just don’t get most jokes you hear, you may want to avoid reading this piece. But you are welcome to anyhow. Barack...
by Linda Morgan
Limbaugh likes to say on his radio program, that he IS balance for the liberal press. And in many ways, he’s quite right. So an interesting angle on this shows up today in an article by John Harris and Jim Vandiehei at The Politico: My, oh my, but weren’t...
by Art Smith
Obama is still close to Clinton in the polls in Pennsylvania. Hillary steps up and admits she “said some things that weren’t in keeping with what I knew to be the case” about her trip to Bosnia in 1996. Hillary also says “I may be a lot of...
by Art Smith
Someone this weekend (I can’t recall who) said that Obama lacks the experience to make a run for President at this point in his career, and perhaps he has stepped into too big a pile of doo-doo to ever make a successful run now. I didn’t give that as much...
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