by lws
While not big news that Iowa Republicans don’t wait with bated breath for the Des Moines Register to anoint a Republican candidate the cream of the presidential crop, in recent years their recommendations have barely risen above laughable fodder. Since we could all...
by Linda Morgan
That’s what Ben Smith is reporting, yesterday morning:
Andrea Mitchell reported this evening that Obama is considering Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, something that’s been buzzed about as a possibility for a few days.
I haven’t been able to confirm it, and neither Obama nor Clinton camps would comment, though NBC apparently has confirmation that she went to Chicago today.
One interesting item: Clinton aides are not knocking the report down, which they might.
Since Ben wrote that, apparently, there are confirmations are coming from a number of sources, including the Washington Post:
There’s increasing chatter in [...]
by Art Smith
On the Republican side, the increase in McCain’s position in the polls, slow as it is in coming, is a reflection of the unity that is starting to build within the Republican Party. I think what you’re really seeing is that as the various state conventions...
by Art Smith
The US Senate voted today to approve the FISA bill, including immunity for the telecomm companies who acted at the government’s request with the understanding they were receiving and acting on legal requests. The bill was approved after Republicans agreed to...
by Art Smith
I was subjected to scenes of Barack and Hillary playing nice with each other on stage at a rally in Unity, New Hampshire. It was a bit over the top. I don’t know what the real content (if any) of their speeches consisted of, and the newscasts simply showed...
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