by Art Smith
I can name a few things: Revisiting a place I lived in or visited in the past on Google Earth Searching for that perfect fretless bass on eBay Accidentally starting a round of Polar Pool (okay, accidentally on purpose, but I didn’t think I’d be up half the...
by Art Smith
POTUS Election 2008 Examining The Issues This is a special series written by the staff of The Conservative Reader. We will examine each of the candidates’ positions on issues they have deemed relevant enough to post on their web sites. Today we will examine...
by Fersboo
I’ve been subscribing to Fortune magazine for about 15 years now, and in the last couple of years I’ve given serious thought to letting my subscription go for something more substantive and/or right-leaning, as I’ve watched the editorial staff at...
by Art Smith
POTUS Election 2008 Examining The Issues This is a special series written by the staff of The Conservative Reader. We will examine each of the candidates’ positions on issues they have deemed relevant enough to post on their web sites. Today we start our review...
by Art Smith
I hate to say this, but I’m not all that worked up about any of Hillary Clinton’s (or any other politician’s) hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is unbecoming, and it may even raise some question of character (although I’m not sure how exactly), but...
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