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McCain’s Strategy May Be Sharper Than You Think

I tend to agree with just about everyone on the planet (Michelle Malkin, Bithead, Sean Hannity, et al) that has told John McCain, in fairly direct terms, that he’s a dunce for asking the North Carolina GOP to back off with the Obama ads featuring the Reverend...

Obama Can’t Shake His “Bitter” Remarks

Someone this weekend (I can’t recall who) said that Obama lacks the experience to make a run for President at this point in his career, and perhaps he has stepped into too big a pile of doo-doo to ever make a successful run now. I didn’t give that as much...

McCain Seeks To Help Homeowners

In Friday’s New York Times, there was an article about McCain’s new proposal to help homeowners who are in that borderline group of people that were impacted by the recent rate resets and yet are legitimately able to pay a fixed rate mortgage. The Times...

Political Observations

Wow!  I’ve not been on this site for a week and look at what I’ve missed!  First, some observations about the current political scene: 1)  Here’s a news flash–Hillary lied about her “recollections” about Bosnia!  I never would have...

Republicans Try To Make Things Right – Not So Much

What a day. I’m sorry, but politically, not one that I’m proud of: 1) Alphonso Jackson resigns as HUD secretary (effective April 18). Few doubt there is something to allegations of favoritism. See my previous posting on the temptations of power. 2) Henry...
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