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Resign Yourself to This #2

Resign Yourself to This #2

Geraldine Ferraro is the next contestant on “Who Wants The Most Media Attention?”. Today she resigned from Hillary’s Finance Committee because of remarks considered racist regarding Obama. She had essentially said that Obama’s campaign was...
Clinton/Obama?  Obama/Clinton?

Clinton/Obama? Obama/Clinton?

Both Democratic candidates were asked if they would consider the other as a running mate. Neither gave a smart answer. Each of them is fighting to set themselves apart from the other, and yet when asked about the VP slot, each gave an answer that suddenly sounded like...
McCain Clinches GOP Nomination

McCain Clinches GOP Nomination

According to the AP, McCain now has enough delegates to be the Republican Nominee for President. Now that we’re here, let’s focus on what we can do to make the party as effective as possible. We have a platform to deal with, we have House and Senate seats...

Obama: Not Scary!

 In response to Hillary’s ridiculous ad asking “Who do you want answering the Red Phone at 3:00 AM”,  Obama provides this beauty: I will never see the threat of terrorism as a way to scare up votes, because it’s a threat that should rally the...

Taking responsibility

Two news items that I saw on the news shows this evening that I find very interesting and would like to read what other people who saw the same think about them. Firstly, I saw and heard shock radio jock Bill Cunningham say not too flattering things about Obama during...
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