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Slip Slidin’ Away…

…the price of oil that is.  Down another few dollars to $117.22.  In the last few weeks, the price has dropped $30/bbl, or 20%.  I’m convinced it’s because Republicans and the nation’s PEOPLE are up in arms and pressing the majority party to do...

Gasoline idiocy from the left

(Cross-posted from BitsBlog) John Cole is miffed at Obama for suggesting that the solution for oil supply problems is to find more. Apparently to Cole, that’s not painful enough for us. Look, I know that there are people who are suffering because of high gas prices....

Why I’m Thankful to be a Conservative

It seems strange to be writing in this space again after what seems like an lengthy hiatus.  Two weeks of vacation, followed by a week of catching up.  And, as a result, admittedly out of touch. Barack’s puzzled?  Who knew?  He seems so confident, so, shall I...

FISA Finally Flies!

The US Senate voted today to approve the FISA bill, including immunity for the telecomm companies who acted at the government’s request with the understanding they were receiving and acting on legal requests.  The bill was approved after Republicans agreed to...
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