by Art Smith
I’m going to keep it simple. Bush did a great job. Clear well thought-out plans to address a number of our country’s current issues. I’m sorry, and I know they’re paid to be Democrats and all, but do the Democrats had to act like they were...
by Art Smith
Starting at 8:00 PM Central.
by Billy Beck
John Edwards sought the Presidency in 2004 campaign. He lost the Democratic nomination to Senator John Kerry and accepted Kerry’s offer to join him on the ticket as the veep. About a month or so ago, John Kerry chose to endorse Senator Barack Obama rather than...
by Billy Beck
Today, the Presidential campaign of Senator Barack Obama received a huge shot in the arm when Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass) and her niece Carolyn Kennedy endorsed his candidacy. In fact, Carolyn Kennedy went so far as to say that Obama stands for the same ideals as...
by Art Smith
I see that Ed Morrissey at Captain’s Quarters has made a decision on who to support in the Minnesota Caucus on February 5. His choice is Mitt Romney. Clearly, Mitt is carrying a stronger conservative message than either John McCain or Mike Huckabee (or Rudy,...
by Art Smith
I am amazed that the Republican Party in Iowa is intent on rolling over so easily this year. In a story in today’s Des Moines Register, we find out that party leaders and potential candidates have essentially decided it’s not worth the effort to put up a...
by Art Smith
In a New York Times Magazine article for this weekend, there’s a story about Kiva, a micro-lending brokerage that I’ve been advertising on this site for quite a while. It’s a good news kind of story, and one I had not expected to hear. Recently,...
by Art Smith
South Carolina has spoken, and Hillary has taken yet another set of lumps. You can see the most current delegate leaderboard (courtesy of MSNBC) in the sidebar. From Fox News: Barack Obama crushed top rival Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary...
by Art Smith
We have not had any takers on Contest #3. We know it requires a little more thought than the first two contests required, but it’s worth the effort. We’ll give it an additional week and see. Please don’t hesitate to check it out!
by Art Smith
It took a couple of months. As you may recall, we checked out our reading level at back in November. At the time, our rating was “elementary school”. Well, we’re proud to say we’ve moved up, and we’re now at “High...