by Art Smith
In less than 7 years (the date on the SiteMeter widget is September 12, 2001), BitsBlog site has had over 1.5 Million visitors. That’s a lot of hits. Congratulations and wishing continued success to BitHead, DavidL, and Fersboo! Keep up the great work,...
by Art Smith
The US Senate passed a stimulus package a short while ago. From the Wall Street Journal: The Senate passed an economic rescue plan that would speed $600 to $1,200 in rebates to most taxpayers and $300 checks to low-income people, including disabled veterans and the...
by Art Smith
I’m impressed with Mitt’s decision. According to Fox News, he said: “If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator (Hillary) Clinton or (Barack)...
by Art Smith
Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not ready to go all in with McCain, and I think there’s a lot of ground to cover and issues to discuss before we’re ready for November. However, Gais posted quotes from Hugh Hewitt at and Bryan at Hot Air...
by Art Smith
We’ve had some great responses to Contest #4, but have not seen the correct answer yet! Don’t forget, you can try once per day.
by Art Smith
This week’s hero is a good one. Robert Cone is the second Cousin of Wednesday Hero’s partner in crime, Greta. Robert S. Cone 85 years old from Delray Beach, Florida 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division Surrounded by family, feted by a...
by Art Smith
Not surprisingly, Obama and Clinton are now neck-and-neck, with Obama slightly ahead. McCain definitely has a commanding lead now, and Huckabee would be doing everyone a favor by dropping out now and bequeathing his delegates to Romney. There’s still a chance...
by Art Smith
Numbers still coming in, but mostly it appears that McCain is taking a large number of delegates over Romney and Huckabee, and Hillary is a bit ahead of Obama. Tomorrow will tell more. West Virginia surprised a few people when Huckabee won. Sister Toldjah has been...
by Art Smith
I see where Hillary has picked up an endorsement from Jack Nicholson. Obama, for his part, has picked up Robert De Niro’s support. “Mrs. Clinton has been involved in issues, everything from health care, which we know and prison reform and helping the...
by Art Smith
Where ever you may be in the United States, if you are in a state where a Primary or Caucus is occurring, go and vote, talk, participate. Be part of the process, part of the solution, part of making America Great! We can only be strong if we all work together and...