by Art Smith
Hat Tip to BitHead for this, who aptly asks “Anyone want proof there’s a God?” while referencing this article by Roger L. Simon at PajamasMedia on the potential demise of Ron Paul’s seat in Congress. Evidently, Chris Pedena, newcomer to...
by Art Smith
I don’t really take stock in applying the symbolism of numbers to reality, but I can’t help notice this morning’s report that Hillary Clinton lost in the Hawaii Caucus with, get this, 666 votes. Spiritual Conspiracy Theorists, have at it! HT:...
by Art Smith
I am fortunate enough to live in District 60 of the Iowa House of Representatives, represented by Libby Jacobs, whom I have tremendous respect for. And who is a Conservative Republican. Libby provides a Legislative Update (as do some other representatives) in the Des...
by Art Smith
I make no bones about it: I’m a Conservative and a Republican. If I ever think think the Party is a lost cause, I could abandon it, but current circumstances don’t put me there. Not even close. I read with some appreciation Cal Thomas’ column on...
by Art Smith
Sorry my posts have been light the past few days. I’ve been sick (still sick). I just went to the doctor today and got some meds, so I hope to be in better shape in the next day or so. I may have a few posts this week that are covering items a few days old,...
by Art Smith
Straight from Swamp Stomper Headquarters… Swamp Stomper ALERT Chris Bowers, all around Knuckle-Dragger, is busy spreading rumors that Harry Reid is to resign as Majority leader. OK, in reality, I don’t trust this at all… given his inability to admit...
by Art Smith
You can get to the contest at this link. Good luck!
by Art Smith
I’m still a little overwhelmed by the events of Valentine’s Day. People died or were injured and should not have been. It never should have happened. As with any other shooting of this type, we will have days of analysis about the drugs that this young man...
by Art Smith
“Geniousproductions” got the correct answer to this week’s contest! The question was: The US Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation. Technically, this could have been considered an illegal act. Why? The answer is, the Articles of...
by Art Smith
I’m not going to address the Second Amendment tonight. That can wait a day. The shooting at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb is painful. To parents and friends of the victims, I can only express my deepest sorrow for your loss. I pray the God will...