by Art Smith
Last week I started taking my bicycle to work. It’s about 7.5 miles as the crow flies, and my shortest (and most difficult) route is about 8.5 miles… the longest (and easiest) route is 13 miles. Downtown Des Moines is at a slightly lower elevation than...
by Linda Morgan
About BitHead BitHead runs BitsBlog and is an occasional guest writer for The Conservative Reader. You can email BitHead at [email protected]. This special Swamp Stomper Article is cross-posted from BitsBlog. From the Business and Media institute: There’s a huge...
by Art Smith
30 years Jim Leach represented Iowa’s 1st/2nd US House District in Congress. Considered a “moderate” Republican, this week he helps us see that he was really a liberal Republican. Now we find out. So the current Director of Harvard University...
by Fersboo
There seems to be a ton of news lately, and for a change, not all of it bad. First, we have the Beijing Olympiad and the Chinese display of cultural prowess. Fortunately for us, we have the best athletes in the world. But in case you haven’t noticed, the...
by Art Smith
Down! Not alot, but it dropped another $.75 today to $114.45 a barrel. Meanwhile, the Republican Protest against the Democratic No-Vote Vacation continued into its second full week, with activity at Capital Hill and at town halls throughout the country. House...
by Art Smith
Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu wrote an interesting piece for today’s paper on the foibles of unrestrained and anonymous commenting on newspaper web sites, such as that hosted by the Des Moines Register. It was a very informative piece and I think can...
by Art Smith
On the Republican side, the increase in McCain’s position in the polls, slow as it is in coming, is a reflection of the unity that is starting to build within the Republican Party. I think what you’re really seeing is that as the various state conventions...
by Art Smith
By now you probably know that both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have had very poor quarterly reports. Worse than expected. And now we’re in for worse trouble. Money is now expected to be tighter as we roll into the fall and home buying will continue to be slow...
by Art Smith
I had a couple of interesting ideas from people I met this week while working at the Republican Party of Iowa booth at the Iowa State Fair. I think it’s great that people are willing to step out and share ideas like this, and even act on them if possible. TV Ad...
by Art Smith
Two big hits on prominant families this week. Mr. Shawshank One is Morgan Freeman. You may recall he was in an automobile accident earlier this week and was in serious condition. He was released later in the week after surgery with shoulder damage and a broken arm...