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30 years Jim Leach represented Iowa’s 1st/2nd US House District in Congress.  Considered a “moderate” Republican, this week he helps us see that he was really a liberal Republican.

Now we find out.

So the current Director of Harvard University Institute of Politics at Kennedy School of Government (Leach) offered his endorsement of Barack Obama.  Either Harvard’s liberal elite have made inroads into Leach’s politics, or we never realized how liberal he was.

When asked by Radio Iowa if this was a “divorce” from Republicans, he said:

“It’s a very awkward circumstance.  I don’t have ambition to seek public life or public position.  I truly am enjoying teaching, so I’ve made a decision as a citizen and as a citizen…

So, if Leach were running for public office, he would lie and endorse McCain?  Great!  Admitting that he can make decisions based on the value or impact it has on his career or livelihood is enough to tell me that he’s:

  1. stupid,
  2. under the influence of hardcore liberals who have manipulated him into this position, or
  3. Obama paid him.

I’m all for number 1, but any and all of these are possible.

Radio Iowa has great coverage on this story, including an interview with Leach, quotes from McCain’s campaign, and other great information.

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