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McCain’s Strategy May Be Sharper Than You Think

I tend to agree with just about everyone on the planet (Michelle Malkin, Bithead, Sean Hannity, et al) that has told John McCain, in fairly direct terms, that he’s a dunce for asking the North Carolina GOP to back off with the Obama ads featuring the Reverend...

Republican 3rd District Convention (Iowa)

Thanks to Bithead for holding down the fort this weekend!  My schedule was crazy and having a quality guest like Bit fill in for me is like going to McDonald’s, ordering a Big Mac and getting Prime Rib! Go visit him at BitsBlog. Needless to say, I’ve got a...

A serious lack of understanding of things military

John Hawkins over at Right Wing News has an interesting interview up with Will Breazeale, who is an Iraqi vet running for Congress. In the interview, Breazeale tells an interesting story regarding Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer; “I was a protocol officer for a 3...

This Week’s Surprise(s)

Obama is still close to Clinton in the polls in Pennsylvania. Hillary steps up and admits she “said some things that weren’t in keeping with what I knew to be the case” about her trip to Bosnia in 1996. Hillary also says “I may be a lot of...

Obama Can’t Shake His “Bitter” Remarks

Someone this weekend (I can’t recall who) said that Obama lacks the experience to make a run for President at this point in his career, and perhaps he has stepped into too big a pile of doo-doo to ever make a successful run now. I didn’t give that as much...

If The Government Is Defective, Can We Get Our Money Back?

You should probably expect to see the following happen in the US within the next few years. In Great Britain, a high court justice has ruled that British Human Rights laws apply to soldiers while in combat, according to a report heard on Friday’s BBC NewsPod...
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