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The NY Times Is Wrong, Just Like CBS

I want to be sure we’re not too dismissive about this whole debacle with the New York Times piece that showed up on the web yesterday and presumably in the print edition today. Rather, let’s just look at how it compares to some things in the past. First...

Obama Supporter – I Got Nothing

Ed Morrissey raises an interesting point from a Chris Matthews interview of Texas State Senator Kirk Watson (an Obama supporter) last night.  When asked directly, repeatedly, about Obama’s legislative accomplishments (which would be key information to...

Ron Paul’s Constituents Seeing The Light?

Hat Tip to BitHead for this, who aptly asks  “Anyone want proof there’s a God?” while referencing this article by Roger L. Simon at PajamasMedia on the potential demise of Ron Paul’s seat in Congress.  Evidently,  Chris Pedena, newcomer to...

I Always Knew We Could Find Proof…

I don’t really take stock in applying the symbolism of numbers to reality, but I can’t help notice this morning’s report that Hillary Clinton lost in the Hawaii Caucus with, get this, 666 votes. Spiritual Conspiracy Theorists, have at it! HT:...
Follow-up on DeKalb Shootings

Follow-up on DeKalb Shootings

I’m still a little overwhelmed by the events of Valentine’s Day. People died or were injured and should not have been. It never should have happened. As with any other shooting of this type, we will have days of analysis about the drugs that this young man...
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