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Interesting Day

Just a few reflections on the day… Politics: News reports put Hillary ending her campaign on Friday or Saturday. As usual, I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s sad that Hillary has had such a hard time concluding her campain: “We pledged to...

Non-Presidential Primary Day in Iowa and Elsewhere

Today is the day we decide who will represent our parties for non-Presidential offices.  Where I live (West Des Moines, Iowa District 3) we have only one race that matters for Republicans today (US Senate seat, to run against Tom Harkin… 3 candidates in the...

What Is America Doing Right?

This morning was the annual Iowa Prayer Breakfast.  I was invited by a friend of mine this year, and having never attended before I was interested in seeing what really transpired there. It turned out to be a good opportunity to reconnect with a few people, wonderful...

Mr. Smith Attends a Convention

I had the privilege of participating as a delegate to my first Republican Polk County (Iowa) convention. It was a great experience. We ended up with significantly more people than expected (usually 50% of the elected delegates show up, we had about 70%+) which had a...

Can’t Iowa Republicans Do Better?

I am amazed that the Republican Party in Iowa is intent on rolling over so easily this year. In a story in today’s Des Moines Register, we find out that party leaders and potential candidates have essentially decided it’s not worth the effort to put up a...
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