by Art Smith
Well, the convention is over. We wrapped up, unbelievably, at 5:30 PM. I have more to share about the afternoon, but I need to do a few things at home… I’ll finish the update in the morning.
by Art Smith
In case you’re new, I’m a delegate to the Iowa State Republican Convention this year. And it is today. So far we’ve had an interesting day. I thought for sure we were in for a long haul after the extended time spent on the report from the Rules...
by Art Smith
Former GW Bush White House Spokesman, conservative political pundit, newspaper columnist and talk show host, Tony Snow, has died of cancer at 53. Snow also served in the GHW Bush White House as a speech writer and Deputy Assistant of Media Affairs. Tony will be...
by Fersboo
It seems strange to be writing in this space again after what seems like an lengthy hiatus. Two weeks of vacation, followed by a week of catching up. And, as a result, admittedly out of touch. Barack’s puzzled? Who knew? He seems so confident, so, shall I...
by Art Smith
Steve Deace had probably the best group of people on his show today for talking about local Republican politics and why we are struggling as a party to make an impact in the Iowa Statehouse, and on the national scene. The group included outgoing Polk County (Iowa)...
by Art Smith
The US Senate voted today to approve the FISA bill, including immunity for the telecomm companies who acted at the government’s request with the understanding they were receiving and acting on legal requests. The bill was approved after Republicans agreed to...
by Art Smith
Can Barack be for real? Can he really be pushing for compulsory service? John Goldberg at the LA Times, shares: In his speech on national service Wednesday at the University of Colorado, Obama promised that as president he would “set a goal for all American...
by Art Smith
The following was copied from It was forwarded to me in an email (thanks, Brent!), and was the content of an ad (presumably full-page) that was taken out in the Washington Post on October 24, 2004 by George J. Esseff Sr. This is just as meaningful...
by Art Smith
Odd, that someone of Obama’s education and political experience is “puzzled” that anything he has to say would not elicit some reaction. Worse yet, after taking such a strong position on Iraq and providing such a specific plan to withdraw troops...
by Art Smith
Kind of a busy day today… but I was moved by reading Peggy Noonan’s column in the Wall Street Journal today. She provides a vivid memory of one man’s heroic experience during the attack on Omaha Beach. I can’t help but think of all of those...