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2008 Floods: A Small Epilog

Traveling across eastern Iowa and Illinois this past week we got a look at some of the areas that were affected by the flooding.  I-80 looks good… the section that had been flooded looks normal… I didn’t realize what it was until I had driven over...

WALL-E: Political Non-Event, Fun For All

As mentioned the other day, we went to see WALL-E (which stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter – Earth Class) Tuesday night.  Although the underlying message is clearly “Take Care Of The Earth”, I don’t think I was not led to see it as a...

Oil Is Not Typical Supply and Demand

More like “Over A Barrel”.  But now that we’ve taken the first step toward off-shore drilling in the US, the impact is already seen.  Because it’s really not about supply-side economics as much as perceived supply-side economics.  And now the...

Checking Out Another Wall(-E)

Tonight, my 11-year-old niece wants to go see Wall-E (as do I), so we’re heading out to see that (despite what I understand is an overtly “global-warming-the-Earth-is-gonna-perish-unless-we-do-something-now” message. Reminds me the last movie I saw...

Post-Convention Pain

Well, I am amazed at how people who are supposed to have a common mission, a common cause, can find themselves so divided.  Of course, we’ve had over 232 years of that. What’s really surprising to me is that the Iowa Republican State Convention actually...

Senator Schumer and the Law of Unintended Consequences

I’m always amazed at the hubris of politicians, although, one would think at this point in my life that I really shouldn’t be amazed at all. On Friday of last week, Federal Regulators seized IndyMac Bancorp, a $40 billion thrift.  It appears that letters...

Done With Flood Patrol

The waters have receded in Iowa for now, and although the task is still long and hard ahead of so many Iowans, we’ve moved the links related to the flood off of the sidebar and onto a separate page.  If you select the “Other Resources” page above,...
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