by Steven Waechter
Law school applications are declining sharply according to the New York Times, which is reporting a projected 38 percent decline from 2010 application levels. When they failed to find jobs, law graduates took to the internet in droves to spread the word about their...
by Steven Waechter
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has on its site information on the 30 occupations where the most jobs are expected to be added between 2010 and 2020. (See Table 6. The 30 occupations with the largest projected employment growth, 2010-20, or click here to see the...
by Steven Waechter
The Commerce Department has released GDP data for the fourth quarter of 2012, and these numbers indicate a contraction of an annualized .1 percent, which wasn’t exactly a crash, but it was a contraction nonetheless. If you read my work, you already know that I...
I break from a majority of Republicans on the current fiscal cliff negotiations and believe the rate increases that Democrats are seeking should eventually be agreed to. More specifically I would support John Boehner signing on to taking the top bracket from 35% to...
by Steven Waechter
(This is Part 2 of a 2 Part Series– To Start With Part 1 Click Here) Dollar Under Strain There are so many dollars floating around out there, and so little American production for those dollars to chase, eventually foreign central banks will get wise and look to...
by Steven Waechter
Well, Barack Obama will be President for a second term. It is now time to take a look around, and prepare for what is likely to happen next. Based on my observations and what I’ve learned over the years, these are my predictions: No Housing Recovery Commentators...
by Craig Robinson
This piece was originally published at Republished by permission. – Ed. After an election like Tuesday’s, conservatives might need a little distraction, or perhaps even inspiration. I managed to get a bit of both yesterday when I had...
by Art Smith
I am surprised… not dismayed, but surprised. I never expected that the results of today’s election would leave us with essentially the same political problem we’ve had for the past two years (and really four years, if you include the ineffective...
by Art Smith
I had really hoped to get some thoughts out regarding priorities in this election this past week, but between the disaster caused by hurricane Sandy (including impacts to family and friends in the region) and finishing up fall chores, it just would not happen. After...
by Steven Waechter
I cast my ballot early. I didn’t vote third-party and therefore my vote isn’t being wasted. It also isn’t going to matter. Since 1990, the United States has run aggregate trade deficits above $8 trillion. This is funny, because in 1990 the M2 metric of currency...
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