This piece was originally published at Republished by permission. – Ed.
After an election like Tuesday’s, conservatives might need a little distraction, or perhaps even inspiration. I managed to get a bit of both yesterday when I had lunch with the staff at InnerVisions HealthCare in West Des Moines.
One of the things that this election taught me is that change in this country needs to come not from political battles, but by truly changing the hearts and minds of people on the issues we care about.
So, yesterday, I got to hear about how a free healthcare clinic in our community provides pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to women in need who are facing unplanned pregnancy. They provide free STD testing to men and women. They provide cervical cancer screenings, as well as breast cancer screenings via ultrasound. Unlike at Planned Parenthood, these services are truly free to the women and are supported by donations only.
And in the year and a half they have been open, they’ve saved 69 babies from abortion.
Sixty-nine lives.
That’s about three kindergarten classes of children who will live and thrive and someday have babies of their own.
The women this clinic has served range from ages 12 to 37. When these women are told about the dangers of promiscuity and the truth about STDs, most ask why no one ever bothered to teach them this before. So much for Planned Parenthood and “comprehensive sex ed†in public schools.
Many of the clients have had it reinforced throughout their lives through the media, fatherless homes, or abuse, that they are only valuable to men for their bodies. It is sad to think how many of our girls today have never had a healthy relationship with a good man, and how much damage that can do to a person.
And sadly, many of the women and girls seen at this clinic are just like your daughter, your granddaughter, or maybe even you – nice girls from good homes who made a bad choice and need help dealing with the consequences of that.
Thank God there is someone there to help them. And I mean truly help them, and not damage them more by shoving birth control pills and condoms at them and sending them out the door to repeat the same damaging behavior that got them there in the first place. Not by shoving medical abortion pills at them and then sending them home to cramp and bleed and give birth to a tiny dead baby all by themselves. And not by shoving them into a surgical abortion where they’ll be put at risk of hemorrhaging and death as we’ve seen happen all too often lately. So much for “safe and legal†abortions.
So many ignorant “pro-choicers†claim that pro-lifers don’t care about women and don’t care about the baby after it is born. Places like this prove that myth wrong. But it needs to be proven even more wrong.
Do you consider yourself to be pro-life?
What have you done in the last year and a half that you can point to and say you’ve saved a life? How about 69 lives?
Are you upset about the election results this week? Are you worried about the future of our nation? I have a way for you to vent your frustrations.
Let’s join together as conservatives and people of faith in the wake of the re-election of the most pro-abortion president in history and donate to InnerVisions (or any other pro-life pregnancy help center). Let’s do what we can to eliminate the demand for abortion in our community.
The next baby saved could be because of you.
To donate or to learn more about InnerVisions, click here.
Or contact them at: [email protected] or (515) 440-2273 or me at [email protected] so I can help you get in touch with the staff and get the information you need.
There is a current need for funding for more internet advertising as this is what brings most clients to InnerVisions. Imagine if a web search for “Planned Parenthood†was surrounded with ads for InnerVisions. Please help with this effort.