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Iowa: Good News and Bad News On Bottles

Iowa: Good News and Bad News On Bottles

Good news: The Iowa General Assembly has decided that the “new” bottle bill tax proposed by Iowa Governor Chet Culver (see earlier story) is dead for 2008. As you would probably think, I’m pleased. It’s not clear if the reason for the timely...

The Aftermath, and the Wuss

It’s been a busy day in politics… John Edwards has apparently been paying attention to our suggestions. He has decided to drop out of the race leaving no endorsement (yet).  Any bets on who that helps? Rudy Giuliani also has departed, providing an...

McCain Takes Florida – Barely

John McCain appears to have won the Florida Primary. The good news is that Ron Paul only got 3 percent of the vote… still too high, but an improvement on prior states. What’s funny is that Giuliani (15 percent) did considerably better than Paul, and yet...

The State of the Union – No Response

I’m going to keep it simple.  Bush did a great job.  Clear well thought-out plans to address a number of our country’s current issues.  I’m sorry, and I know they’re paid to be Democrats and all, but do the Democrats had to act like they were...

Can’t Iowa Republicans Do Better?

I am amazed that the Republican Party in Iowa is intent on rolling over so easily this year. In a story in today’s Des Moines Register, we find out that party leaders and potential candidates have essentially decided it’s not worth the effort to put up a...

It’s an Obama Rout!

South Carolina has spoken, and Hillary has taken yet another set of lumps. You can see the most current delegate leaderboard (courtesy of MSNBC) in the sidebar. From Fox News: Barack Obama crushed top rival Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary...
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