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BREAKING NEWS: Ill. House Votes To Impeach Blagojevich

BREAKING NEWS: Ill. House Votes To Impeach Blagojevich

I could not resist... this was the subject line on an email alert I received today from television station KCCI. All I can say is, if I were a member of the Illinois House, I'd be ill too. Looks like the Illinois Governor's days in office are numbered. I hope for the sake of the citizens of Illinois that the remainder of this process is swift and effective in getting the government back on track. Distractions like this are not good for state government, regardless of how much excitement it may generate for some. I'm glad politicians aren't in a position to just threaten the public and demand money to avoid destroying our lives... oh, wait. Sorry, I forget they can (and do). But seriously, why is anyone surprised? I'm amazed at [...]
BREAKING NEWS: Ill. House Votes To Impeach Blagojevich

Observations on a New Year

Here we are! 2009! What can we say? 2008 is gone and I think we're all grateful for that. Republicans had their hats handed to them, although Conservatives fared pretty well. And there's the difference. Moderate Republicanism is indistinguishable from the Democrats. If Republicans want to regain their stature in Washington and the state houses across America, they need to do it at the grass roots level and they need to return to Conservative values. Barack Obama is the President-elect not because of his microscopic resume, or because of the political cesspool he climbed out of, or the message of change and hope, because he represents neither. He won the national election because the Republican candidate was a moderate with a poorly-crafted message, and so since the two were indistinguishable, people chose the candidate that was younger, better-looking, and articulate. We can't do that again. After 18 months of the media (and Obama) telling us [...]
BREAKING NEWS: Ill. House Votes To Impeach Blagojevich

Same Look, New Location For TCR

We have been taking months to schedule a move to our permanent internet domain. We delayed the work to ensure that we didn't create an unnecessary outage during time leading up to the election last year. Now that the excitement is past and the dirty work and belly-aching is behind us, this looks like a good time to make the transition. So, effective today, we are now located at "". If you have us bookmarked, you will want to change the bookmark to this new location. We will maintain redirecting capabilities from the old site to the new one so that your links don't break right away, but don't count on that being there forever. If you are an rss or email subscriber, fear not. You should continue to receive your regular updates without interruption. It's possible you might [...]
BREAKING NEWS: Ill. House Votes To Impeach Blagojevich

Mac’s Back!

J. Michael McKoy, formally of 98.3 WOW-FM, has found a new home in Des Moines. He is on PRAISE-940 AM KPSZ, a Christian radio station from 2 PM to 4 PM. The promo piece at the radio station web site calls the show "Mac's World" as it was previously at the old station, and speaks of Mac's experience in Des Moines business and broadcasting... and adds "... or how to talk and walk on a daily basis with your Father God." To be expected. It will be interesting to see how he does in this new venue. I suspect he will do well, although if there is a stronger faith angle to the programming, his relevance in political circles may diminish... or not. Addressing faith matters is hardly new for him, as he has kept faith as a fresh aspect of his show while in the secular world, including a regular show with his pastor each Friday (will that continue?). Meanwhile, he is [...]
Christmas Greetings

Christmas Greetings

Yes, we've been out of pocket for a few weeks now. After returning from family matters, work (yes, I have a real job) was a bit overwhelming for many reasons. At any rate, we hope that the new year will provide us both more opportutnity to share daily thoughts and to begin expanding the focus of The Conservative Reader to more principled discussions. Tonight and tomorrow many of us will be visiting our local churches to share in celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our family will be worshiping this evening. Three things to share today.

The First Amendment

Thank God for the freedom in our society, as declared by the wisdom of the founders of our country, to worship freely as we see fit, or not to worship at all. I'm sure that some of the motivation behind this right comes from the surprising amount of diversity and infighting among different groups (denominations) who all profess to worship the same Christ, and the history of violence of government against those who do not worship the government's official "church". And yet I'm also confident that the generation that established our Bill of Rights also perceived the need to protect any who chose to worship other than the norm, including Jewish, Islam, Native American religions, Oriental religions, or none at all. This is a precious freedom, and one of a handful that if we ever [...]
No One’s Responsible, not even Barney Frank

No One’s Responsible, not even Barney Frank

I sit here this evening watching a lovefest between 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl and Barney Frank. This is, in my opinion, not what I would consider to be an objective portrayal of Rep. Frank. For starters, Ms. Stahl not once, but twice, suggested he's the smartest man in Congress. That really doesn't say much for the rest of Congress, unless she's suggesting he's a savant. Rep. Frank is the presiding chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Finance. He's been a member of this committee for years and can be credited with stopping legislation in committee to limit the power and authority of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2004, 2005 and 2006, as reported in a series of articles in the Wall Street Journal in late October. It was later disclosed that he was having a close relationship with one of the executives at Fannie Mae, but this was [...]
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