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We have been taking months to schedule a move to our permanent internet domain. We delayed the work to ensure that we didn’t create an unnecessary outage during time leading up to the election last year. Now that the excitement is past and the dirty work and belly-aching is behind us, this looks like a good time to make the transition.

So, effective today, we are now located at ““.  If you have us bookmarked, you will want to change the bookmark to this new location.  We will maintain redirecting capabilities from the old site to the new one so that your links don’t break right away, but don’t count on that being there forever.

If you are an rss or email subscriber, fear not.  You should continue to receive your regular updates without interruption.  It’s possible you might receive a duplicate of recent posts, but if so, that should only happen once.

If you were a registered user on the site for commenting purposes, we’ve removed the registration requirement for commenting, at least for now.  You will need to provide your name and email address on comments.

If you happen to notice anything amiss here at the new site location, please email us at: [email protected].

Aside from moving to a “.com” domain name (our old site was “”), we’ve managed to clean up some of the back end components, and we have replaced standard WordPress with WordPress MU.  The purpose behind doing this is to allow us to more easily build out some more regionally and topically specialized sites.  The first of these will be an Iowa focused site, which we plan to introduce next week, coinciding with the opening of the 2009 Iowa General Assembly.

We are looking forward to an interesting, dynamic, and conversational year in 2009!  Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times!

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