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Why I’m Thankful to be a Conservative

It seems strange to be writing in this space again after what seems like an lengthy hiatus.  Two weeks of vacation, followed by a week of catching up.  And, as a result, admittedly out of touch. Barack’s puzzled?  Who knew?  He seems so confident, so, shall I...

It Doesn’t Take Much to Fool People

President Bush and Senator John McCain are both now promoting off-shore domestic drilling.  Hallelujah.  It took them long enough. But it is, amazingly, going to yet be an uphill battle.  As long as Democrats continue to stand on weak, worthless principles, like...

Various Observations and Musings

Ah, it’s back to one of my favorite pastimes…blogging for the Conservative Reader.  Since my last installment, several interesting things have happened: Politics For whatever reason, Senator Clinton refuses to concede the nomination.  Either she and Bill...

Party Members: Work Together

We’ve kept it pretty loose here at TCR with regard to the continued havoc being wrought by Hillary Clinton against her party. Every day, the lack of her stepping down extends further and further the demise of Democrats and Obama’s chance to manipulate his...

Congress Should Not Micro-Manage The Economy

Not so much because tinkering with the economy on a regular basis is messy as much as having Congress doing the tinkering is just dangerous. Remembering that the Prime Directive of nearly every member of Congress is “Do nothing that interfere with my...
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