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Government Mortages: The New Balancing Act

Government Mortages: The New Balancing Act

Today US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced plans for the new Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to take Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into conservatorship.   The power to do this was provided in HR 3221 which was passed in July. The move includes replacement...

McCain’s Acceptance Speech

A lot of you have seen the speech, some have not.  Overall, high marks for contents.  Very high.  I think he brought out the right issues, positions, and comparisons with Obama.  He’s working out the differences, which he needs to continue to do.  Probably the...

McCain’s Big Night

Just a few minutes away from John McCain’s big speech. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Palin’s. David Gergen at CNN is apparently a little bit disconnected as HE stated that others were disconnected who said that Democrats were running...

Drill, Baby, Drill!

During Rudy Giuliani’s speech at the Republican National Convention tonight, the crowd got so stirred up on the oil drilling issue, they interrupted his speech for a couple of minutes while they chanted (I believe): “Drill, Baby, Drill!” It was...

Price Of Oil Not So Crude

After dropping $10/bbl during the day, the price of crude settled down $5 after fears of interruptions in production from Gustav failed to materialize It really stinks when people are disappointed that nothing bad happens. That said, it appears we’ve dodged the...

More Thoughts On Palin

The Left is going absolutely bonkers over the selection of Sarah Palin to run for Vice-President on the GOP ticket. There’s also a lot of negative comments coming from the Right, although not quite as emotionally charged as those from the Left. Christopher...
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