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Polling Data: To What End?

Polling Data: To What End?

The biggest fraud in this election appears to be the use of polling numbers to disorient and discourage (mostly) Republican voters. How many times have you heard three or four different sets of polling results in for the same state in the same time period? Keep an eye on the organizations providing the information. I doubt that any partisan organization is going to avoid showing numbers favorable to their candidate, but the largely liberal media is clearly having a heyday pushing numbers that just don't add up. Even this week here in Iowa, polling supposedly puts Obama 12 to 13 points ahead of McCain. So why was Obama planning to come to Iowa this week? (that[...]
Go Vote Now!

Go Vote Now!

If my experience tonight is any indication, we are in for record participation at the polls this year. Originally I thought to wait until Election Day, but personal matters have made it possible that I may be called out of town and miss the opportunity to vote. Two years ago, I voted early. At that time, one would go to the library, enter a small office, fill out an absentee ballot, and you're done. No wait, no pain. Fast forward to today. I voted early once again. And again I went to the library. I stood in line behind about 20 people. At the front of the line was a table with two poll workers each helping two people at a time fill out the forms for their absentee ballots. You could register here, although you needed[...]
Book For Soldiers: Still Need Your Help, Making Progress

Book For Soldiers: Still Need Your Help, Making Progress

Great news! Since a week ago when I last posted on this topic, Books For Soldiers has been able to raise another $4,000! Thank you for all you've done so far, including passing this word along to others! They still need another $13,500. The good news is, the organization's directors, who had given them until October 31 to raise a total of $70,000 ($56,500 raised so far) or face closing, have extended this[...]

Colin Powell Endorsement: Who Cares?

It's not exactly been a big mystery where the former Secretary of State was going with his own vote this year. And NBC was was certainly fairly confident that they knew what Power was going to say today when he gave his endorsement to Obama. I would tend to agree with Michelle Malkin when she states that this doesn't look like a mater of race, despite[...]
Radio Station Encouraged McCain-Palin Signs To Be Brought In For Hoax Dying Child

Radio Station Encouraged McCain-Palin Signs To Be Brought In For Hoax Dying Child

The TCR OJ award (for those that manage to avoid accountability) goes to KCJJ's Morning Show, yet another sign that we will put up with any kind of illegal behavior...
(Coralville, IA) – An Iowa City area radio talk show host has admitted that an on-air report of a dying child’s last wish to set the Guinness World Record for having the most McCain-Palin yard signs is untrue and claims it is a hoax. “Captain” Steve Soboroff and co-host Tommy Lang of KCJJ 1630-AM in Coralville began asking listeners last week to take McCain-Palin yard signs and bring them to the radio station for a dying child. They now admit there is no such child. Soboroff admitted the hoax when interviewed by KGAN-TV of Cedar Rapids, but said[...]
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