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Voting Fraud: Risks Of An Open Society

Voting Fraud: Risks Of An Open Society

The Supreme Court today backed the petition of the Ohio Secretary of State's position that they did not need to verify the records of about 200,000 new voters this years whose ID information did not match government records. That's more than 25% of the new voter registrations in Ohio. Although it's a fairly partisan confrontation, it highlights something that is becoming more endemic across our fruited plane: in our attempts to ensure that people are able to exercise their right to vote, we are becoming more and more at risk of exposing a larger segment of ballots to fraud. The problem extends beyond just the sublime attempts to[...]
The Final 2008 Presidential Debate: Open Thread

The Final 2008 Presidential Debate: Open Thread

As mentioned earlier, this will be an open thread for any comments you have during and after tonight's Presidential debate. Please keep it clean and kind. We always reserve the right to delete anything we find offensive. I so wish I could be here tonight, but events are preventing me from being online during this big showdown (although I'm not expecting much excitement tonight). Enjoy the debate!!!
2008 Presidential Debate Number 3 Preview

2008 Presidential Debate Number 3 Preview

I apologize that I will not be available to provide live comments during the debate tonight. I will be on the road and unable to blog during the debate, but I will be listening. There will be an open thread entry that will appear at 8:30 PM Eastern time for those of you that wish to offer comments during the debate. Please come join us, and perhaps some of the other TCR writers will be here to comment. I expect that after 2 other rather lack-luster events, we can probably expect[...]
Are Things Looking Up?

Are Things Looking Up?

The Dow had it's record highest point gain today up almost 940. Although it was up a bit today, Oil prices have been retreating and have been steadily below $90/bbl for several days. And have you noticed the price of gasoline has also been declining? Of course, we all know it's not over yet, but it's good to see some positive signs. Unfortunately, the price of diesel fuel has not come down with trhe price of gasoline, apparently due to supply issues worldwide. And this will keep the price of consumer goods general higher. Seems like[...]
Books For Soldiers Needs You NOW!

Books For Soldiers Needs You NOW!

Just a little more than two weeks and it's over! Not the General Election, but the existence of Books For Soldiers. These folks have been providing books and videos for our soldiers for several years now, and for lack of $17,500 raised by October 31, they will have to close their doors come December 31. We talked about this back in May, and a lot of progress has been made, but the work is not done! We cannot let this happen! This organization has the process down cold, they have great creds and do a super job. Thousands of soldiers have been served by BFS. Won't you please act now? Go to this link and make a donation now. If every visitor to this site this coming weeks makes a $50 donation, the money would be completely raised. I donated a few months ago, and will again this week... won't you? You know how I think about our men women in uniform... they are the line that protects us from our enemies, and they are our best friends. They serve us night and day, risking their very lives, without asking for anything in return. Let's take this opportunity to serve them back!
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