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Time to Clean Up the Senate

I’ve said it a number of times here in the past: the real power is in the US Congress.  Presidents can negotiate with foreign leaders, take military action (to an extent), and manage the administration as approved (more or less) by Congress.  And then a little...
Clinton/Obama?  Obama/Clinton?

Clinton/Obama? Obama/Clinton?

Both Democratic candidates were asked if they would consider the other as a running mate. Neither gave a smart answer. Each of them is fighting to set themselves apart from the other, and yet when asked about the VP slot, each gave an answer that suddenly sounded like...

Leonard Pitts Rings The Bell

Day by day, it amazes me more and more that people can say the most unintelligent things and cause the air to be putrid with their rancor. And other days that I get a real breath of fresh air. Today I was treated to a real burst of oxygen in the form of Leonard...
Obama Might Bring Republicans To Cabinet Posts?

Obama Might Bring Republicans To Cabinet Posts?

I take it back… suddenly Obama is getting scary. I’m starting to have nervous flashbacks to the final season of The West Wing. Remember how the last two seasons were all about a non-white congressman (played by Jimmy Smits) running for President as a...
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