by Art Smith
You have never seen a majority party more desperate to take advantage of its position of power, knowing that their days are probably numbered. Democrats in your state have probably already tried:
- Giving in to Unions with Prevailing Wage and Fair Share
- Giving in to Populist attempts to circumvent the Constitution
- Giving in to attempts to minimize the value of the family by elevating gay unions as marriage
- Giving in to solutions lacking real problems, such as Worker's Compensation Physician's Choice
- Giving in to their lust for spending, a long-term need for greed that feeds a push to raise taxes... yes, your state government is probably trying right now to raise your taxes!
If you don't believe all this, just look to Iowa. Smack dab in the middle of the country, normally expected to be a follower, Iowa politicians (that is, the Democratic majority party in the Iowa General Assembly) have been trying their darnedest to do all of these things.
Iowans are watching this year. Very closely. Republicans are taking a strong stand on these and other issues, and some of the more conservative Democrats are also helping stem the tide despite the strong-arming of party leaders. Keeping these [...]
by Fersboo
There’s something just a little, how do I put it, smarmy about our soon-to-be new Secretary of the Treasury. Here he is, applying for the job that oversees the IRS, and somehow a few years back he came up about $30,000 short on various taxes. Where I grew up,...
by Art Smith
It's been an interesting week so far as reaction to the whole Joe The Plumber escapade has heightened people's awareness of Barack Obama's agenda.
For the sake of full disclosure, and ensuring people don't accuse me of taking his words out of context, you can see the full transcript of the conversation between Obama and Joe here. I'm going to focus on one sentence that Obama said:
I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.
One can argue a hundred different opinions on this topic, and there's been a lot of comments around how this is a Socialist agenda (and many consider this to be pretty obvious). However, the new argument from the Left is that there's nothing new here that make Obama's plans more Socialist than we are today. Or more Socialist than we have been for nearly 100 years. I received an email
by Art Smith
On Sunday I shared some initial thoughts about the Fed take-over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. If you read it, you know I’m not exactly happy about the outcome. My friend Bithead shared some great thoughts Monday, and I don’t disagree that something...
by Art Smith
Today US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced plans for the new Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to take Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into conservatorship. The power to do this was provided in HR 3221 which was passed in July. The move includes replacement...