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Phillips Rescue: Not So Fast, Leftie Spinners

Phillips Rescue: Not So Fast, Leftie Spinners

So, how much credit does Barrack Obama deserve for the rescue of Captain Phillips? The efforts of Obama and his supporters to claim Obama was the reason behind this rescue, Black Five says… Not so fast.
The AP is reporting that President Obama gave the order to use military force to rescue the hostage, that is misleading.

WASHINGTON (AP)—Administration officials say President Barack Obama approved the military operation that rescued a U.S. captain held hostage by Somali pirates.

The officials say Obama ordered the Defense Department to use military resources to rescue Richard Phillips from a lifeboat off the Somali coast. He did affirm the military’s authorization to use force if the captain’s life was in danger, but they already would have had that authorization as part of their standard rules of engagement. If there are innocents about to be slaughtered the same reasoning that authorizes self defense also covers an [...]
TCR Endorsements: President

TCR Endorsements: President

Second Presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee
The major candidates for President are considerably closer in their policies and philosophy than the overwhelming rhetoric may lead you to believe. For some, this really is a hard choice. It took a while for the conservative base of the Republican Party to get through the grieving process when it became apparent that John McCain was the nominee. The result of that process is a candidate who has managed to reconcile with the base by both making statements that fit the conservative agenda more adroitly (some would say McCain is not exactly honest in this regard), and the addition of a stronger conservative on the ticket in the person of Sarah Palin. McCain professes and hopefully holds to a more conservative leaning on some key social issues, but still tends toward a more liberal approach to fiscal policy. It is[...]
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