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Pork Invaders

I thought you might enjoy playing a little fun… click here or scroll down to the bottom of this page, and you’ll find a video game called “Pork Invaders”… fashioned after the old “Space Invaders”.  It’s provided by the...
Democrats dump flags in the trash… literally.

Democrats dump flags in the trash… literally.

(Cross-posted from Bitsblog) Fox News: John McCain’s campaign prepared to accuse Democrats on Saturday of leaving behind 12,000 miniature American flags after Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech last Thursday in Denver. Boy Scouts have arrived with 84...

McCain’s Acceptance Speech

A lot of you have seen the speech, some have not.  Overall, high marks for contents.  Very high.  I think he brought out the right issues, positions, and comparisons with Obama.  He’s working out the differences, which he needs to continue to do.  Probably the...

McCain’s Big Night

Just a few minutes away from John McCain’s big speech. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Palin’s. David Gergen at CNN is apparently a little bit disconnected as HE stated that others were disconnected who said that Democrats were running...

Palin: Ready To Serve

Tonight’s speech by Sarah Palin was a smashing hit! It was truly inspiring and gave me, and clearly the convention delegates, an even stronger sense of confidence that we will win in November. Palin hit hard against the liberal media and Democrats who have been...
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