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5 Years in Iraq… We Thank Our Troops

As Sister Toldjah so eloquently put it, we thank the members of our armed services, their families, and their employers. We can never show you the appreciation you truly deserve, and we can never make up for the cost in your personal sacrifice, the sacrifice your...

Lieberman Explains Support for McCain

Joe Lieberman, Independent Senator from Connecticut (although, oh, he does still caucus with the Democrats in the Senate) explains his position supporting John McCain today in the Stamford Advocate. Lieberman says McCain is “really a reformer” who is not...

Obama: Not Scary!

 In response to Hillary’s ridiculous ad asking “Who do you want answering the Red Phone at 3:00 AM”,  Obama provides this beauty: I will never see the threat of terrorism as a way to scare up votes, because it’s a threat that should rally the...

Mitt Romney Has Left The Building – What Now?

I’m impressed with Mitt’s decision. According to Fox News, he said: “If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator (Hillary) Clinton or (Barack)...

The Surge Worked!

In a WSJ commentary this morning, John McCain and Joe Lieberman reflect on the anniversary of Bush’s announcement to implement the 2007 Iraq Troop Surge, and made an excellent case for the surge and for continued managed presence in Iraq, and for dependency on...
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