by Art Smith
McCain campaign: Governor Palin is returning to Iowa
Join us for a Road to Victory Rally with Governor Sarah Palin
Monday, November 3, 2008
Grand River Center
500 Bell Street
Dubuque, IA 52001
Doors open at Noon
Program begins at 2 p.m.
If you have questions or concerns please call the Iowa McCain-Palin Hotline: (515) 418-9322
Tickets are free and can be picked up at the following locations during the following times:[...]
by Art Smith
The biggest fraud in this election appears to be the use of polling numbers to disorient and discourage (mostly) Republican voters.
How many times have you heard three or four different sets of polling results in for the same state in the same time period? Keep an eye on the organizations providing the information. I doubt that any partisan organization is going to avoid showing numbers favorable to their candidate, but the largely liberal media is clearly having a heyday pushing numbers that just don't add up. Even this week here in Iowa, polling supposedly puts Obama 12 to 13 points ahead of McCain.
So why was Obama planning to come to Iowa this week? (that[...]
by Art Smith
Talking Heads: No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin yet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The House of Representatives today passed the Senate version of the $700 Billion Bail-out. For now, it’s over. Bush signed the bill shortly after the vote, and we have not...
by Art Smith
Our US Senators have approved a version of the $700 Billion Bail-out Bill that provides some new features: New tax breaks for businesses Raising the FDIC deposit insurance limit from $100,000 to $250,000 Normally, I am all about tax breaks for businesses. I think...
by Art Smith
My cohort DJ is going to disagree with me. Just you wait and see. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Today did not scare me. It did surprise me, because I didn’t think that Congress had the ability to face down the President, Treasury Secretary and their own part leaders all at the...
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