by Art Smith
Not in my wildest dreams would I believe that a US official could be so stupid as to say something like this in the face of unrelenting facts.
And intriguing enough is that it happened on CNN, whose reporting tends to be as supportive of the Obama administration as possible.
Of course, this is coming from the leader of the same department that earlier this year targeted "right-wing extremists" as high-risk for recruiting new members and conducting terrorist activities.
About the only spin one could put on this is that "...the system worked, but it's broke". That perspective behind a statement like this is part of the problem. Saying that everything worked like it's supposed to but it's not supposed to work that way just leaves one wondering how much thought is going into the design of the process that is supposed to be protecting our country.
Clearly the system is broke. To think that someone who has been identified as a terrorist risk like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab could be allowed onto a passenger jet without careful screening is just insane... and there are 500,000 people on the list he was placed on a month ago! As I shared in my piece at the Des Moines Register yesterday, the entire focus [...]
by Art Smith
NBC is calling Illinois before the polls are closed there... CNN is waiting. Different comments from the analysts, but personally I hate to see projections before polls are closed.
Granted the projections are coming from exit polls, but as we've seen in past elections, early projections can impact late voter turnout, which can impact other races.
The projections themselves are identical, which should be the case.
We're watching CNN right now and monitoring[...]
by Art Smith
Just now, Wolf Blitzer is talking with Jessica Yellin via, get this, Hologram. First time on live TV.
I'm quite impressed with what they've accomplished here. Jessica is in Chicago and Wolf is in New York. The image was a little herky-jerky (that's a lot of data to transmit) from multiple cameras that were surrounding Jessica in a small tent.
I don't know for sure if the image was actually projected onto the set or just merged digitally, but Wolf gave the impression that he was looking right at the image. And there was a red circle on the floor that appeared as if it could have been part of the projection aparatus.
Bravo, CNN!
by Art Smith
Talking Heads: No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin yet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The House of Representatives today passed the Senate version of the $700 Billion Bail-out. For now, it’s over. Bush signed the bill shortly after the vote, and we have not...
by Art Smith
Just a few minutes away from John McCain’s big speech. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Palin’s. David Gergen at CNN is apparently a little bit disconnected as HE stated that others were disconnected who said that Democrats were running...