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Polling Data: To What End?

Polling Data: To What End?

The biggest fraud in this election appears to be the use of polling numbers to disorient and discourage (mostly) Republican voters. How many times have you heard three or four different sets of polling results in for the same state in the same time period? Keep an eye on the organizations providing the information. I doubt that any partisan organization is going to avoid showing numbers favorable to their candidate, but the largely liberal media is clearly having a heyday pushing numbers that just don't add up. Even this week here in Iowa, polling supposedly puts Obama 12 to 13 points ahead of McCain. So why was Obama planning to come to Iowa this week? (that[...]
Voting Fraud: Risks Of An Open Society

Voting Fraud: Risks Of An Open Society

The Supreme Court today backed the petition of the Ohio Secretary of State's position that they did not need to verify the records of about 200,000 new voters this years whose ID information did not match government records. That's more than 25% of the new voter registrations in Ohio. Although it's a fairly partisan confrontation, it highlights something that is becoming more endemic across our fruited plane: in our attempts to ensure that people are able to exercise their right to vote, we are becoming more and more at risk of exposing a larger segment of ballots to fraud. The problem extends beyond just the sublime attempts to[...]
Debate Reax: Closing the Sale… Or Not.

Debate Reax: Closing the Sale… Or Not.

Joe The Plumber Here’s a transcript of last night’s debate. If I get time, there’s a number of points I’d like to break out of it. But for now, a quick overview of who won and who lost. If there’s one thing that the blogging Democrats and their pre-written declarations of an Obama victory in the debate last night proves, it is that BS is a renewable resource. Last night, the left side of the spin floor similarly had nothing but the same tired nonsense we’ve seen this entire cycle.

Sarah Palin: “Don’t Blink”

Sarah Palin had her first big interview (6 parts) this week since being selected as John McCain’s running mate.  Paul F. Villareal made the video’s available at YouTube. Of course, ABC played it for as much air time as they could… including repeating...

Is The Crisis Abated?

On Sunday I shared some initial thoughts about the Fed take-over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. If you read it, you know I’m not exactly happy about the outcome.  My friend Bithead shared some great thoughts Monday, and I don’t disagree that something...
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