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Pay Attention

Watch this video a moment: [wp_youtube]Ahg6qcgoay4&hl[/wp_youtube] Now, the video is about watching out for bicyclists while you are driving, but there’s a good correlary.  This video demonstrates how easy it is to let someone distract you.  It’s the...
Deciding How To Vote in November

Deciding How To Vote in November

I was subjected to scenes of Barack and Hillary playing nice with each other on stage at a rally in Unity, New Hampshire.  It was a bit over the top. I don’t know what the real content (if any) of their speeches consisted of, and the newscasts simply showed...

It’s Another Day Of Confusion

Of course, on the last day of Presidential Primary Season, things are so close between Obama and Clinton that different new organizations have differing opinions about whether Obama has clinched the nomination or not.  And on top of that, the AP reported this morning...

Power-hungry Babies

No, I’m not talking about a television series, nor an idea for a Super-bowl commercial. I’m talking about Democrats. Part of me is happy to see that party tearing itself apart, and not for idealogical reasons, but just your basic greedy, power-starved...

The Real Democrat party

I thought this was timely, and am sharing the complete text of what Bit posted at his site.   It amazes me how easily we forget these things. Bit says: This was sent to me via mail this monring, and I’ve echoed out in total: The Democrats: Democrats fought to...

Party Members: Work Together

We’ve kept it pretty loose here at TCR with regard to the continued havoc being wrought by Hillary Clinton against her party. Every day, the lack of her stepping down extends further and further the demise of Democrats and Obama’s chance to manipulate his...
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