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A serious lack of understanding of things military

John Hawkins over at Right Wing News has an interesting interview up with Will Breazeale, who is an Iraqi vet running for Congress. In the interview, Breazeale tells an interesting story regarding Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer; “I was a protocol officer for a 3...

No-fault Credit

Today we got to see some of the substance of Barack Obama’s plan for solving the current economic crisis.  Both Reuters and the Wall Street Journal have good write-ups. Obama’s approach includes: More power to the Federal Reserve over non-bank investment...
Resign Yourself to This #2

Resign Yourself to This #2

Geraldine Ferraro is the next contestant on “Who Wants The Most Media Attention?”. Today she resigned from Hillary’s Finance Committee because of remarks considered racist regarding Obama. She had essentially said that Obama’s campaign was...
Clinton/Obama?  Obama/Clinton?

Clinton/Obama? Obama/Clinton?

Both Democratic candidates were asked if they would consider the other as a running mate. Neither gave a smart answer. Each of them is fighting to set themselves apart from the other, and yet when asked about the VP slot, each gave an answer that suddenly sounded like...
Hillary Clinton – Lost In Translation

Hillary Clinton – Lost In Translation

I’ve got just one little point that I haven’t seen any comment as yet which I noticed while listening to a rebroadcast of last night’s debate between Clinton and Obama in Austin. There was a question regarding having 2 languages spoken in the US...
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