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The 2012 Presidential Debates: When Moderators Aren’t Moderate

The 2012 Presidential Debates: When Moderators Aren’t Moderate

Lost in the sea of coverage following Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, was the news that the moderators for the three Presidential debates, and one VP debate, were also selected. There is a certain kind of news one receives that falls into...
The 2012 Presidential Debates: When Moderators Aren’t Moderate

Will Ryan Get The Palin Treatment?

As regards Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as a running mate, I tend to agree with David’s initial reax; “Bring it on”. I look forward to the VP debates, which should be the highlight of the campaign for me. As Ace said on Twitter, the other day, Let’s face it,...
The 2012 Presidential Debates: When Moderators Aren’t Moderate

In the Age of the Selfish Voter

In a Representative Democracy, voting for a particular political candidate or philosophy is the most impactful way a citizenry can change their country.  While the “who” a person votes for is what actively shapes a Republic, digging into the motivation behind that...
The 2012 Presidential Debates: When Moderators Aren’t Moderate

College Is A Bad Investment

To the baby boom generation, a college degree was almost a mystical amulet, and just possessing it meant that your life would be improved in mystical ways. Thus, a college degree was something to be quested for, like a hero from Greek or Norse mythology....
The 2012 Presidential Debates: When Moderators Aren’t Moderate

Obama’s State Of The Union Promise: Can He Cut Programs?

President Obama 2010 SOTUAs we end the President's first year in office, we still struggle with folks on the left complaining bitterly that those of us who share a conservative ilk are out to see Obama fail. Never mind the fact that all I seem to hear during a Republican administration is a cacophony of angry vitriol, outright lies and attempts by Congress to undermine the critical work of the President, and I'll accept the fact that there are many on the right who see nothing but red when they discuss the current resident of the White House. But my goal is strictly to see America -- Americans -- be successful, and that means that I want to see the President be successful as well. But the President’s speech tonight leaves me wondering. There’s no doubt it brought a sense of euphoria to those in need, to those who continue to promote a liberal agenda. The beginning and end of the speech brought a broad stroke of hope and confidence in who we are as a nation, as any good presidential speech should. He made some good proposals. Some of which will make Congress uncomfortable to consider. Some of which will be hard to execute. Earmark transparency. Budget freezes. Cutting programs. He made some popular proposals. Jobs programs. Small Business Lending programs and tax credits. Tax credits on capital investments. Bank investment reforms. Additional taxation of large banks. And he continued to press for Health Care Reform that Americans don’t want. I will likely disagree with much of the spending [...]
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