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Veterans: Go Thank Them Now!

Veterans: Go Thank Them Now!

Thank goodness we have today, Veterans Day, to remind us of the sacrifice given by so many millions of men and women over the past 233 years (really more, when you think about it). The day today is specifically designated for those that are living, but their sacrifice is no less than those who have died in action (factoid: November 11 was designated due it being the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice of World War I in 1918) . Although it should not be constrained to this day, we all know someone, who has served our country as a member of the military. Find as many of those people as possible and thank them. You don't have to overdo it... just a simple thank you is enough. So many of these folks walk through life having given everything they can, putting their lives on the line and on hold, making a mess of their family, so that you and I can can live in a country where we don't have to worry about losing our freedoms. Serving is a sacrifice, and family members of those serving share in that sacrifice. Most of us live with little of a care in life, our biggest challenge [...]
The President Is Not A King

The President Is Not A King

When James Madison and friends put together the Constitution, one of the key things they endeavoured to do was ensure that the Chief Administrator (President) did not have the power of a king. After all, we had just fought our tails off for the right to not have to be subjugated by King George, and as such provide sovereignty to the people and not the President. I say this in preparation for something that Valerie Jarrett, co-chair of Obama's transition team, said on Meet The Press yesterday:
"Given the daunting challenges that we face, it is important that President-elect Obama's prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one."
DavidL at BitsBlog takes this at face value, which is not in the least unfair. He characterizes this [...]
Obama Didn’t Wait Long

Obama Didn’t Wait Long

From the Washington Post:
Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts working with the transition team.
All of you that were taken completely off-guard by this news, please raise your right hands. Now smack yourself on the back of the head. Any turmoil and angst over this should[...]
BFS: We Made It!!!

BFS: We Made It!!!

Great news! Books For Soldiers made their $70,000 Fund Raising goal and will NOT have to close! BFS provides an awesome service to our deployed military members, and I hope we can continue to support this vital ministry for years to come! Thank you to all of you that donated to and promoted this urgent need over the past few months!

2009 fundraising is now in progress... please keep Books For Soldiers in mind as you consider year-end and ongoing charitable giving.

Books For Soldiers: Almost There!

Books For Soldiers: Almost There!

Just $2,800 left to meet the critical donation level required by the BFS Board of Directors! What's amazing is that the original deadline was October 31 (they plan to close the operation if the $70,000 is not reached), and you'd have never thought they could get this close by that date! Fortunately, as we mentioned two weeks ago, the Board extended the deadline to November 30. Can you give $50? $100? Okay, yeah, if you have $2,800 to spare, go for it! This is a vital service to our men and women on active duty overseas, and I know[...]
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