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The Signs of Decline

I am not going to argue the merits of the case or the stretched use of precedence. And it is far too easy to poke holes at the California Supreme Court. But instead I ask one single question. Does anyone not see this as a sign of the on-going decline of our society?...

If The Government Is Defective, Can We Get Our Money Back?

You should probably expect to see the following happen in the US within the next few years. In Great Britain, a high court justice has ruled that British Human Rights laws apply to soldiers while in combat, according to a report heard on Friday’s BBC NewsPod...

DSM Register: Spitzer’s Privacy Invaded by Feds

There is little need to retrace the Eliot Spitzer story except to say: he got caught with a prostitute and apparently was using a form of structuring (attempting to get around federal bank reporting rules) in an attempt to hide the source and/or use of funds. ...
Follow-up on DeKalb Shootings

Follow-up on DeKalb Shootings

I’m still a little overwhelmed by the events of Valentine’s Day. People died or were injured and should not have been. It never should have happened. As with any other shooting of this type, we will have days of analysis about the drugs that this young man...
Contest #3 Closed with No Winner

Contest #3 Closed with No Winner

As disappointing as it may be, we’re closing Contest #3 without a winner. As you may recall, the question was: Provide the textual portion of the US Constitution that describes the well-known concept of Judicial Review, which gives the Federal Judiciary the...
Westboro – As Phake As You Can Get

Westboro – As Phake As You Can Get

My good buddy Bithead made passing mention yesterday of yet another of Westboro’s (the “church” from Topeka Hell) planned outings, this one to Heath Ledger’s funeral.  He rightfully calls them the “slugs” they are, but then says (to...
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