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Uncle Sam, King Corn, and Emergency Legislation

Uncle Sam, King Corn, and Emergency Legislation

This summer has been warmer than average.  Living in Minnesota, the Midwest is known for being tolerable of all kinds of weather, but this summer has been unique.  One of the hardest-hit commodities, corn, is playing a critical role in our food chain and even more so,...
Uncle Sam, King Corn, and Emergency Legislation

Will Ryan Get The Palin Treatment?

As regards Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as a running mate, I tend to agree with David’s initial reax; “Bring it on”. I look forward to the VP debates, which should be the highlight of the campaign for me. As Ace said on Twitter, the other day, Let’s face it,...
Uncle Sam, King Corn, and Emergency Legislation

21st Century Monopoly

As a child, I used to play the board game of Monopoly.  I still vividly remember the excitement of a “Get out of Jail Free” card and the royal blue of Boardwalk and Park Place.  My brothers would be angered when I’d loft off to using the pink pastel colored...
Tom Harkin Dissembles on Higher Education

Tom Harkin Dissembles on Higher Education

Bumped up from TCR:Iowa.  – Ed.Our esteemed Senator Harkin has been holding some hearings on for-profit colleges back in D.C., and now he has penned an editorial for the Des Moines Register. In full disclosure, I dislike Tom Harkin. Intensely. Then again, back...
Uncle Sam, King Corn, and Emergency Legislation

The Hispanic Vote In November

Being the fastest growing group of Americans in our evenly ideologically divided country means that Hispanic-Americans will have a disproportionately larger impact on the November elections than their percentage of the population suggests—and it has the absolute...
Uncle Sam, King Corn, and Emergency Legislation

Fighting Indignity

This week, Harry Reid came out with another appeal for Mitt Romney to release ten more years of his family’s personal tax returns. As to whether the release of that additional information is a good idea, or propitious in any kind of moral or political sense, is...
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