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The Answer is “No”, Chet

Not only is Culver desperate to find more money to spend in Iowa, he wants the Federal Government to help him out.  In a Reuters story Monday about states looking for a second economic stimulus package: Iowa Gov. Chet Culver, …, said his state has 50 or more...

Motorcades and MSM Are Dangerous

Two fatal Motorcade accidents, two different treatments by Time Magazine.  You really didn’t need to see the second one to know the first one showed the left lurching bias. Hat Tip to Sister Toldjah.

Few Days Under The Weather

Sorry my posts have been light the past few days.  I’ve been sick (still sick).  I just went to the doctor today and got some meds, so I hope to be in better shape in the next day or so.  I may have a few posts this week that are covering items a few days old,...

If Hillary wins in 2008

I am reviewing my emails just before I settle down to watch the returns from the Potomac primaries. There is an email message from one of my buddies that I have not checked for accuracy and may be hogwash for all I know but which I find kind of interesting. This...
Congratulations BitsBlog on 1,500,000 visitors!

Congratulations BitsBlog on 1,500,000 visitors!

In less than 7 years (the date on the SiteMeter widget is September 12, 2001), BitsBlog site has had over 1.5 Million visitors. That’s a lot of hits. Congratulations and wishing continued success to BitHead, DavidL, and Fersboo! Keep up the great work,...
Wireless Phones Outpace Landlines In Iowa

Wireless Phones Outpace Landlines In Iowa

David Elbert, the Business Editor at the Des Moines Register reported on the state of telephone service in Iowa in this morning’s paper: A new study by the Iowa Utilities Board shows that as of last June 30, there were 1,943,334 wireless phone connections in...
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