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Charlton Heston – RIP

Charlton Heston – RIP

Charlton Heston (born John Charles Carter), who starred in The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Soylent Green, The Planet Of The Apes (and most of its sequels), Earthquake, and scores of other films, died Saturday at the age of 84. Heston was an excellent actor.  The Ten...

Thoughts on the Federal Reserve

20 years ago I looked at a map of the regional Federal Reserve Banks and I thought:  Why do we have banks in Richmond, Philadelphia and New York?  Cleveland and Chicago?  St. Louis and Kansas City?  Why does the San Francisco bank handle everything west of Denver? ...

When The Church Is No Longer The Church

I will direct your attention to Sister Toldjah and a story she is relating regarding changes at a church in Toronto.  I don’t think any additional comment is necessary on my part… Sister’s got it covered.

Baseball and Tradition

I’m not so old to remember the days when the baseball season began in April.  When I was a kid, I used to look forward to Opening Day so much I couldn’t sleep the night before.  I still look forward to it, but that was back when “juice” was...

The Conservative Reader Featured At Schmap

You may have noticed a widget in the sidebar that shows how the delegate counts for each candidate are going state-by-state.  It’s a widget from Schmap!!, a site that provides a number of really cool map-based tools for web sites.  This week, they’ve...

Happy Easter

We at The Conservative Reader wish you a very Happy Easter!  We hope you are able to spend time today with your families and friends, and celebrate what Jesus Christ did by dying on the Cross and rising from the Grave. His death paid the penalty for all of our sin. ...
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