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The View From Here Is Dreadful

I watched Friday’s John and Cindy McCain interview on The View.  Below is part 1; parts 2 and 3 should be accessible from the video. [wp_youtube]3Mnj1njG4ww[/wp_youtube] I see several posts refering to this interview as “McCain Grilled On The View”,...

A Defining Day

Seven years ago today our world changed.  Expressing how that day felt and how it has changed the way we live today I will leave to the rest of the world today.  It was a day of great heroism and pain, and I cannot forget it.  It hurts. My concern today is how quickly...

To Clarify A Point

My friends at Century Of The Common Iowan have pointed out that I made a statement that wasn’t very clear.  Sometimes I assume people know what I’m talking about, and this is a case where that was a really bad assumption. In talking about the Briston Palin...

Congress Is Finally Back, Price Of Oil Drops Again

Crude oil dropped to $105/bbl Monday, down $1.26.  After hours the price continued to fall, as of midnight it was hanging around $102/bbl. Since hitting it’s high at 147.27 on July 11 (that’s still less than 2 months ago), the price has fallen almost 30%. ...
Government Mortages: The New Balancing Act

Government Mortages: The New Balancing Act

Today US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced plans for the new Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to take Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into conservatorship.   The power to do this was provided in HR 3221 which was passed in July. The move includes replacement...

McCain’s Acceptance Speech

A lot of you have seen the speech, some have not.  Overall, high marks for contents.  Very high.  I think he brought out the right issues, positions, and comparisons with Obama.  He’s working out the differences, which he needs to continue to do.  Probably the...
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