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Obama Drama

The events of the last couple of weeks surrounding our nation's capitol in general, and the White House specifically, have been fun to watch. It has been my assertion that President Obama, despite his polished rhetoric, is in over his head, and, if given enough time, will prove it. We're finally beginning to see signs of his inexperience and, dare I say, incompetence. First, he tried to ram through Congress an incredibly toxic, poorly crafted, Socialized Health Care bill. For this administration, it wasn't enough to be able to spend $1.2 trillion in January without anyone having a chance to read, much less comment on, what was appropriated. President Obama's insistence that Congress pass something prior to breaking for the month of August, regardless of what the bill contained, was reckless, irresponsible, and incredibly arrogant. Here's a news flash, Mr. President: The havoc you are trying to wreak on the nation's health care system must not be irreparable. Whether you realize it or not, we, as citizens, and our elected representatives, have a right, if not an outright obligation, to be able to read the bills being debated in our elected assemblies. It's best if we proceed prudently and cautiously. If you had any administrative experience whatsoever, you would understand this. Then, apparently feeling left out from the daily mindlessness that is Joe Biden's thought processes, the President decided to assert himself in the Professor Gates controversy by declaring that the Boston PD acted "stupidly"
Health Care Reform: Abortion Funding and Mandates Still on the Table (Promoted From TCR:Iowa)

Health Care Reform: Abortion Funding and Mandates Still on the Table (Promoted From TCR:Iowa)

baby(Originally posted on The Conservative Reader: Iowa) If you don't already know, we are thoroughly Pro Life here at the The Conservative Reader. From the moment of conception, the rights of every American should extend to even those that are still in the womb, despite the inconvenience they may pose to their mother. We are also opposed to the current effort in Congress to foist a complex, expensive, invasive and industry-busting piece of legislation in the name of saving lives and improving the health of Americans. We are not opposed to ensuring that all Americans have access to health-care, but this bill, in whatever form it has taken thus far, is not in the best interest America. More on that in the next few days. Worse yet, is that such a bill, in the name of saving lives, may end up funneling more and more money to take lives... innocent lives at that. The following is a piece provided by Jenifer Bowen (appeared in the Facebook group page for Iowa Right To Life):
There is a battle going on in the Congress over Health Care reform and they, meaning the U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators, are under heavy pressure to strike a deal and get it done before the summer recess in August. Our concern is a "deal" that would allow for funding and mandates in the bill. There are millions of dollars at stake, and the abortion industry is working hard to get their hands on what they see as a gold mine of tax funding. Their goal includes mandating abortion as health care and having their mandates funded. The good news is that there are many leaders in congress with a conscience that want health care reform, but do not agree with mandating or funding abortion with taxpayer's money. However, the pressure from President Obama and the Democrat leadership is mounting, as they want abortion as part of Health Care Reform. This is bad news since it comes down to heavy political pressures on each representative. This is when your voice really counts. This [...]
Health Care Reform Without GOP?

Health Care Reform Without GOP?

healthcare-reformTom Harkin, Senator from Iowa, proclaimed Wednesday that Congress can proceed and pass Health Care Reform without the help of Republicans, or rather, despite Republican opposition. While a more detailed examination of the bill that passed its first major hurdle in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee will be forthcoming here, it seems to be worth the time to examine Harkin's statement as it strikes as a bellweather for our nation's future. This is more than a review of the strictly partisan victory Democrats have achieved in Congress, with the 60 votes needed in the Senate to defeat most Republican efforts at stopping or at least slowing actions by Democrats that might normally be nuanced with even the threat of filibuster. It is about even more than the arrogance of those who hold sway in the Federal Legislature, Administration and perhaps in the next few years, the Judiciary. It's about why a bi-partisan effort is sometimes, perhaps often, critical for real success. Understanding this concept is essential to good government. Failing to understand it is what leads to the chaos we currently think of as government. Neither of the major parties has [...]
Hay Fields in Vermont

Hay Fields in Vermont

sick-kidAh, Vermont--"The Anything Goes State". I know it used to be known as "The Green Mountain State", but its new moniker is much more appropriate. I saw this article a couple of weeks ago in The Wall Street Journal and forgot to comment. Apparently, according to the Journal, dairy farmers in Vermont are being offered $135 an acre if they will harvest their hay before June 2 or after July 17 in order to allow birds that nest in hay fields, like meadow larks and bob-o-links, an opportunity to build nests and hatch and raise their young undisturbed by haybines and balers. I wish I were making this up, but I'm not. I grew up on the other side of Lake Champlain from Vermont on a dairy farm. Hay for dairy cattle has little nutritional value before June 2 or after July 17. In order for a farmer to maximize dairy production through the use of high quality feed, they must [...]
Health Care Reform Without GOP?

President Obama, Day #…..

july2009Ah, who cares? As disappointed as I was about the outcome of the last general election, I thought I'd take a few months off from writing and spend it observing this new global (dare I say, Intergalactic?) phenomenon that is our new President. Today is July 6, and I fear that he is almost exactly what I thought he would be last summer, that is to say, pathetic. Having said this, I have to confess that the reason I took some time from writing was that I wanted to be objective in my assessment of this man (as opposed to self-styled Deity). So many conservatives have been lambasted precisely because they wouldn't give President Obama a chance. Not that he needed one, but we DO have to be fair. And I was secretly praying that his rhetoric was merely that and he was pandering to his ultra-liberal base and that, being a man of reason and logic, he was a closet conservative and would instinctively do the right thing. No such luck! I've waited five and a half months for him to do something, anything, good for the country. So far, here's what President Obama has accomplished:
  • He's spent $1.2 trillion (that's $1,200,000,000,000) of succeeding generations' money on absolutely nothing of any consequence
  • He's flown around the world numerous times at taxpayer's expense, all the while chiding the taxpayers to tighten up their belts and pay for his largesse
  • He's been on television almost every day whining about the failed policies of "the last eight years" and gathering support for his socialist agenda.
That's it. He's talked, and talked and talked some more. One gets the sense that talking is all the man knows how to do, and, after reading his resume, that's all he's ever done. At least he's consistent. Meanwhile, here in middle America, our country is suffering [...]
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