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The Stench Of Impropriety: Tom Harkin, Al Franken, Herbalife International, And The F.R.E.E.D Act (Part 1 of 2)

Doc, I Feel Sick!

The most recent Rasmussen polls show that only 25% of American voters believe the United States is “headed in the right direction.” Republicans are almost unanimous in their belief that the country is headed in the wrong direction, with nearly nine in ten...
The Stench Of Impropriety: Tom Harkin, Al Franken, Herbalife International, And The F.R.E.E.D Act (Part 1 of 2)

Environmentalism: A Cult with a Ponzi Scheme

A long time ago, somebody figured out that people were afraid of nature. With this realization, our subject set out to carve a statue of a woman with a horned head dress, and declared the idol to be Ninhursag, the goddess of the earth. Our carver then set about...
The Stench Of Impropriety: Tom Harkin, Al Franken, Herbalife International, And The F.R.E.E.D Act (Part 1 of 2)

Just Blame Donald Trump

The American people are at tremendous odds with one another. The timeless question as to whether we as individual citizens should continue to surrender our personal liberties and become increasingly mindless drones of a government colossus has a tendency to bring out...
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