by Fersboo
Wow! I’ve not been on this site for a week and look at what I’ve missed! First, some observations about the current political scene: 1) Here’s a news flash–Hillary lied about her “recollections” about Bosnia! I never would have...
by Fersboo
I’m not so old to remember the days when the baseball season began in April. When I was a kid, I used to look forward to Opening Day so much I couldn’t sleep the night before. I still look forward to it, but that was back when “juice” was...
by Fersboo
Ah, my first contribution to the Conservative Reader. I hope my effort is worthy of this site. I hope I can remember my training from last night. I hope I don’t come off sounding like a fool, or worse yet, like a pompas ass, but then again, how would anyone...
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