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ANWR And Other Domestic Oil Sources

Bithead provides some great perspective on where we could have been Monday had Clinton the First not vetoed ANWR.  He includes reference to Henry Lamb at World Net Daily. Indeed, Bit points out that by now, we’d have 20% more domestic oil in our supply, and...

SCOTUS Holds The Line On Voter Fraud In Indiana

The Supreme Court handed down a good (in our opinion) decision this week by affirming the Indiana Voter ID law which was under attack by the ACLU. In a 6 to 3 decision, the high court blasted the “facial challenge” (the litigants claimed the Indiana law...

Lincoln-Douglas / Santos-Vinick

So, Hillary this week graciously offered to debate Barack mano a mano.  No moderator. Set their own rules.  Ask each other questions and answer them. Millions of people across the country would be THRILLED to have a debate without moderators. But can we really...

Keywords: How Do We Know The Meaning?

Anyone that knows me knows how strongly I pay attention to the words we use and understand them by their defined meaning. In my opinion, it is antithetical to accept word usage alone as the means for understanding a word’s meaning, such as the (to me) crass...

McCain’s Strategy May Be Sharper Than You Think

I tend to agree with just about everyone on the planet (Michelle Malkin, Bithead, Sean Hannity, et al) that has told John McCain, in fairly direct terms, that he’s a dunce for asking the North Carolina GOP to back off with the Obama ads featuring the Reverend...
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