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News Organizations Different Projection Timings

News Organizations Different Projection Timings

NBC is calling Illinois before the polls are closed there... CNN is waiting. Different comments from the analysts, but personally I hate to see projections before polls are closed. Granted the projections are coming from exit polls, but as we've seen in past elections, early projections can impact late voter turnout, which can impact other races. The projections themselves are identical, which should be the case. We're watching CNN right now and monitoring[...]
CNN Gets A Technical First – A Live Hologram!

CNN Gets A Technical First – A Live Hologram!

Just now, Wolf Blitzer is talking with Jessica Yellin via, get this, Hologram. First time on live TV. I'm quite impressed with what they've accomplished here. Jessica is in Chicago and Wolf is in New York. The image was a little herky-jerky (that's a lot of data to transmit) from multiple cameras that were surrounding Jessica in a small tent. I don't know for sure if the image was actually projected onto the set or just merged digitally, but Wolf gave the impression that he was looking right at the image. And there was a red circle on the floor that appeared as if it could have been part of the projection aparatus. Bravo, CNN!
BFS: We Made It!!!

BFS: We Made It!!!

Great news! Books For Soldiers made their $70,000 Fund Raising goal and will NOT have to close! BFS provides an awesome service to our deployed military members, and I hope we can continue to support this vital ministry for years to come! Thank you to all of you that donated to and promoted this urgent need over the past few months!

2009 fundraising is now in progress... please keep Books For Soldiers in mind as you consider year-end and ongoing charitable giving.

Ready To Vote?

Ready To Vote?

If you need them, free voter tools and endorsement information are in the center sidebar. We want to help you out today as much as possible. The numbers are not completely up to date yet, but it looks like over 30 million Americans have voted in early balloting (up through November 3) for this election. That's almost 25% of the total votes cast in 2004! Depending on how and when different states are counting these ballots, Tuesday and Wednesday could be an interesting time... and I doubt that exit polling will have the same level of predictability it had in years past. Wow. It's awesome to see the power of the people brought to bare... the results are certainly unpredictable, but that's part of the beauty and ultimately the intended process. Everyone has done everything they can and should to promote their parties, their candidates, their positions, and today everyone (who hasn't already yet) gets to[...]
TCR Endorsements: General Comments

TCR Endorsements: General Comments

I've only provided endorsements for President and for legislative contests that affect me directly. Unfortunately, personal and work commitments have kept me from providing a broader assessment of candidates. If you have not had adequate time yourself to interact with candidates or research them at their web sites, I can make a couple of simple suggestions: There are a number of web sites with candidate assessments from varying perspectives, including general political principals and specific policy areas. Using various Google searches (such as "2008 Congressional candidate comparison tax") you can[...]
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