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Iowa Caucus Results Available Tonight At TCR

Iowa Caucus Results Available Tonight At TCR

We will have results of tonight’s caucus available here at The Conservative Reader as soon as the information is available from the Republican Party of Iowa.  We will have a Google map setup showing the results in near-real time as results are tabulated starting...
Iowa Caucus Results Available Tonight At TCR

Why I am Caucusing for Ron Paul

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom…..And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents’...
Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

As a life-long Iowan, I can tell you the ridiculous National stereo-type that we are all corn growers or hog farmers is bad enough without adding an even worse one…that we are a bunch of babies. With the political season heating up and the eyes of the Nation...

Reforming The Process In Iowa – For Republicans

When I attended the Iowa State Republican Convention, one thing that I found odd was the district level meetings that were held on Friday night to select district delegates and alternates to the National Convention, electors to go to Washington if our candidate for...

Post-Convention Pain

Well, I am amazed at how people who are supposed to have a common mission, a common cause, can find themselves so divided.  Of course, we’ve had over 232 years of that. What’s really surprising to me is that the Iowa Republican State Convention actually...
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